Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Freedom of Anonymity

Have you ever had those moments when you are just so filled with emotions you can't concentrate? When you just want to vent a little...or A LOT....Say all of the unfiltered, opinionated thoughts that come to your head, express a random thought or discuss the world at large--just because? Well I have and often do. As supportive as friends are they don't always want to hear you rant and bitch about things. So someone told me--write. Write in a journal everyday, put down your thoughts. Aw but that is no fun. "How about a blog?" A blog? Well yes. I have been meaning to write one for a while. I will sign my blog with the alias forever21. There may be people who read my posts that have no idea what I am talking about and are totally uninterested but then there may be that select few who might just understand. So for that reason, I share a bit of my mind with the world.
 I have a tendency to be a perfectionist. I often edit and re-edit anything that I write or post out of fear that I may have said something incorrectly, offended someone, had a grammatical error and the list goes on. This blog will be about my journey to becoming more comfortable with imperfection, being at peace with ambiguity and freeing myself of the standards of what has been socially constructed to be known as "perfect". First official blog post. More to come.

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